
​Welcome to the Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center in beautiful Bridgeport, California. We are the premier training site for Marines preparing to serve in mountainous regions. Our emphasis on cold weather and high altitudes provides the Marines and Sailors stationed here the opportunity to experiment with state-of-the-art cold weather equipment.

Our remote location affords anyone who passes through our gates many unique and exciting possibilities. Marines and Sailors and their families have access to a number of expanding Marine Corps Community Service programs and services including New Parent Support, Semper Fit and the Single Marine Program.

Whether you’re camping in one of the 100 campgrounds located within a 50-mile radius or experiencing some of California’s finest fishing, exploring historic Bridgeport or hiking through neighboring Yosemite National Park, your experience here will always be filled with adventure.

Welcome aboard! We hope you enjoy your time at the Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center.

Contact Information and Resources

24/7 SA: (760) 590-2919

School Liaison: (530) 495-2186

Pickle Chalet: (760) 932-1531

On Base Emergency: 911

New Parent Support: (530) 495-9358

MCCS IT: (760) 932-1478

MCCS HR Chief: (760) 932-1521

SMP Coordinator: (760) 932-1522

Marketing/Sponsorship: (760) 932-1572

Fitness Center: (760) 932-1522

Exchange Manager: (760) 932-1525

DOD SAFE: (877) 995-5247

Clinical Counselor: (530) 495-2685

Child Development Center: (530) 495-2640

Barber Shop: (760) 932-1530

Housing Exchange: (530) 495-1057

Youth Sports Coordinator: (760) 932-1523

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